Historically, Iran has been a leader pistachio shell in pistachio production, and it continues to be so. However, the imposition of US sanctions on all Iranian exports under false pretenses from 1979 to 1981 had a major impact on the global market and provided a good opportunity for Established the global pistachio industry in California. The California pistachio industry is now so well developed that in addition to supplying more than 99 percent of the pistachios consumed in the United States, it has been able to export high quality nut pistachios worldwide.
American pistachio cultivars
Commercial pistachio cultivars in California belong to the genus Pistacia vera L. These cultivars are native to large parts of Central Asia, including parts of northeastern Iran, northern Afghanistan, southern Turkmenistan, and southeastern Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The Mediterranean climate is adapted to long, hot, dry summers and relatively cold winters. California pistachio growers have long used mostly one female (Kerman) and one male (Peters) in their orchards.
Dependence of pistachio production in the United States on Kerman cultivar
Pistachio production in California has increased dramatically in recent years, but the variety of cultivars grown in the United States has not changed much over the years. In 2005 and 2006, the average value of a California pistachio crop was approximately $ 518 million a year. Unlike most agricultural products produced in California, there is not much variety in pistachio cultivars, and the California pistachio industry is almost dependent on one female cultivar (Kerman) and one male cultivar (Peters), although dependence on one female cultivar has many problems, such as It has a high genetic vulnerability to pests in this country.